New defense

Defense changes

New changes on the defenses

Starbases for been smaller, can not build Planetary Shields or Rings

Said that, and to avoid a gap in the defense system, a new defense exclusive to the Starbase was created, the Starbase Shields, smaller, less powerful than P.Shields and cheaper.

Defense system

In Outer Core, the defense system will be fun and complex.

Any member from your alliance will get the benefits of your base's Command Centers and unshielded defenses!

So, if you have a base with a level 10 command center, 20 laser turrets, 10 missile turrets and a barracks, any allied fleet in orbit will recieve the defense bonus of those structures; however, the structures will be damaged as it would normally be if your fleet were attacked.

The repair time is 1% per hour plus one half percent per each level of armour tech. So if you have 10 armour, the restore time will be 6% per hour.

Also you will be able to determine if you want your fleet to be aggressive or defensive. Aggressive fleets will increase counter-attack power when defending, with more fleet loss and less planetary defenses damaged. Defensive fleets will rely more on planetary defense systems causing them to be damaged more, but they will lose less fleet.

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