New tech

Latests fixes and news

last fixes

- fleet recall, if you recall a fleet twice, the time to land was reduced significantly, causing it to practically reach the destination instantaneously (too bad you didn't knew about that bug, right?)

- if you cancel a ship production, the time to finish the next ones on queue wasn't been reduced with the time of the canceled one.

- 30 days inactive players wasn't been inactivated, nor their bases & fleets turned over to [iCORE] BORC

What will be done in the next few days

- The repair will be modified, from % per repair turn (every 5 minutes) to credits per turn.
- New tech type Automated Repair will increase your credits per turn ability
- New Repair ship will increase your fleets repair per turn
the numbers will be revealed when the new system become active


New tech available

the Cloaking enable the construction of Cloakship, Holoship and Cloak Generator (bases defense)

the Cloakship reduce the detectable size of the fleet, making it harder to be seen until its closer to the destination

The Holoship does the opposite, make it appear the fleet is bigger, with more ships

The Cloak Generator hides a base from the opponent Stellar Cartography, so it can not see your base if his Cartography level is smaller than yours Cloak level. If he click on your astro he can see it, but cant on the Scanners page.

Stellar Cartography

New tech released, the Stellar Cartography

It is yet been implemented, but basically it will improve your bases/starbases scanners.

A new tab will be added to the Scanners page: Astros. When you access it, it will show from just larger astros within your base system, to all astros, bases and fleets in the entire region.

By the next week it will be fully available.

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